Euler's constant ℮ and calculating it

 e=lim_(x->infty)(1+1/x)^x   1)

= 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995...
Among many other things, ℮ is also the limit of  (1 + 1/n) as n tends to infinity.

The letter e may now no longer be used to denote anything other than this positive universal constant.
Edmund Landau (1877-1938).

Gentlemen, we have not the slightest idea what this equation means,
but we may be sure that it means something very important

Benjamin Peirce (1809-1880).
Well, I came to the same conclusion in 1977-1981, at Mikkeli Polytechnic Institute.

This is a tiny C program from Xavier Gourdon (Jul 1999)
to compute 9000 decimal digits of ℮ on your computer.
                            main() {
                                int N=9009,n=N,a[9009],x;
                                for(;N>9; printf("%d",x))
1) Wolfram Mathworld

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